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5 Tips to Combat Depression in Seniors

  • Post By
    Denise Drabik

5 Tips to Combat Depression in Seniors

Ever since dad died, your elderly mother hasn’t been quite the same. She’s having a hard time concentrating, can’t sleep and even stopped socializing with her friends. You know mom’s depressed but aren’t sure what to do. Depression is quite common in seniors and if allowed to persist the physical and emotional toll upon their lives can be devastating. On the positive side, because depression isn’t a normal part of the aging process itself it is a very treatable condition. Based on proven results, here are 5 ways to help a senior with depression feel better again.

Depression in the Aging Population

Roughly 25% of Americans aged 65-and-over suffer from chronic depression, while more than half of all doctor visits involving seniors also include discussions about the emotional distress they’re experiencing. Sadly, nearly 20% off all suicides in the U.S. take the lives of elderly persons, and millions of seniors self-medicate with drugs and alcohol to help them emotionally disconnect from their negative feelings.

Why Do Seniors Get Depressed?

Here are some reasons why older adults feel depressed:

  1. Dealing with a chronic illness or medical condition
  2. Being on certain medications
  3. Death of a spouse or other close relative
  4. Losing their driving privileges
  5. Loneliness and not feeling wanted/needed
  6. Feeling hopeless
  7. Financial difficulties
Signs of Depression in the Elderly

According to the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, these are the most common signs of depression in persons aged 65-and-above:

  1. Worrying constantly
  2. Difficulty sleeping
  3. Not eating well
  4. Persistent sadness
  5. Fidgeting or pacing
  6. Crying or tearing up frequently
  7. Withdrawing from activities once enjoyed
  8. Substance abuse
  9. Difficulty concentrating
  10. Drastic weight changes

Dementia, depression and the aging process share many of the same symptoms, which can make a diagnosis difficult. If your mom has been exhibiting one or more of these signs for over two weeks, it’s best to take her to the doctor for an evaluation. Whenever a loved one of any age is acting suicidal, seek prompt intervention from a mental health professional.

5 Ways to Combat Depression in Seniors

Here are 5 reliable ways to cheer up your mom:

Let Her Know She’s Loved

Social isolation only makes a depressed person feel worse. Let mom know how much she’s loved by involving family members and friends in a social support network for her that includes:

  1. Inviting her to group outings
  2. Daily or weekly wellness visits and companionship
  3. Transportation to and from her appointments
  4. Doing chores around her home
  5. Taking her grocery shopping
  6. Dropping off nutritious meals and snacks
  7. Connecting and communicating with her on social media
Keep Her Active

Staying active also helps ward off depression, so encourage your mother to participate in some productive activities that will also boost her sense of wellbeing, like:

  1. Taking a class at the local senior center, library or community college
  2. Learning a new hobby
  3. Joining a gym for some healthy exercise like Yoga, chair aerobics or Tai Chi
  4. Volunteering
  5. Participating in a club
  6. Medications

If mom’s depression is more serious, her doctor may prescribe an antidepressant, although those drugs have been shown to be effective, they can also have side effects and anyone taking an antidepressant should be closely monitored.

Join a Support Group

Depending upon the underlying cause(s) of mom’s depression, connecting with other seniors who are also dealing with depression for similar reasons, like the loss of a spouse, may do wonders for combatting her loneliness and cheering mom up.


Meeting regularly with a licensed psychotherapist can be a great source of support for mom. Solution-focused, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been shown to benefit seniors suffering from depression by eliminating unhealthy thinking patterns and behaviors that feed depressive symptoms.

In-Home Caregivers that Treat Seniors Just Like Family

Helping an aging in place elderly loved one battle depression is highly rewarding, but it can also be time-consuming and exhausting. When you need to recharge, contact Senior Crossroads of FL. As a a fully licensed, private owned and operated agency, our compassionate caregivers know how to make seniors feel loved so they can continue aging comfortably in place right where they want to be.

In addition to in-home services like light housekeeping, medication reminders and meals, our fully licensed and insured aides can also perform duties including personal hygiene, wellness visits, food shopping, and companionship. All our family trusted home care services can be individually combined in an affordable package that’ll put your mind at ease! To learn more about Senior Crossroads, or to schedule a FREE, in-home care consultation for a senior in your life, please contact Senior Crossroads of FL today.