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Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the common indicators that elderly individuals may need additional assistance include:

  • Your parent has had multiple falls in their home.
  • The doctor has diagnosed your parent with a health condition.
  • Your parent is demonstrating memory loss.
  • Your parent is not consistently taking their medication.
  • Although these are common things you know your parent best and any change in behavior that has you worried or needing to visit more often may be an indicator that additional services may be needed.

    You don't have to. That is where Senior Crossroads can step in and help. Your Care Manager will advocate on your parent's behalf and take into account concerns from family members, physicians and anyone else involved in the decision.

    Senior Crossroad's staff is skilled at what they do. By profession and training they are kind, compassionate people who care about the well being of seniors.

    Rather than making a big deal out of this, tell your father you've invited a friend over for a cup of coffee. From there, your Care Manager can begin a nonthreatening, gracious conversation.

    It is important that you consistently emphasize to your father that you are only looking to improve his quality of life, not take away his freedom.

    One successful strategy involves the adult children making the initial payment in spite of their parent's objections. Though this initially can cause discomfort, most often in the long run, parents are extremely grateful for your willingness to take action.

    Yes, you will sign a contract for our services, but those services are completely customized to fit individual needs. We will make informed recommendations to help you select the range of services, but you will be able to be involved in deciding the level of service that you desire.

    Care Managers hold post-graduate degrees as either RNs or MSWs. They are medical professionals who work directly with doctors, hospitals, care facilities, and elder law professionals on a regular basis.

    In-Home Caregivers are paraprofessionals who have special training in caregiving. This can range from personal care to medication reminders, companionship to hobby support.

    Some LTC policies cover the services of an In-Home Caregiver but most do not cover Care Management. Medicare does not cover either service in the home. Medicare does covers skilled or hospital care needs.

    Some LTC policies cover the services of an In-Home Caregiver and may cover Care Management (sometimes called Care Coordination). Medicare does not cover either service in the home. Medicare does cover skilled or hospital care needs. Senior Crossroads can review your long-term care policy and ensure benefits are maximized.

    Senior Crossroads' Care Managers are trained to handle situations like this. They can help you develop care options that work with your family's particular needs. Your Care Manager will oversee the care as well as help find in-home Caregiving that can support your father's decision to remain in his own home.

    This is a very common occurrence. A Senior Crossroads' Care Manager can act as an advocate for you and your mother.

    A Senior Crossroads' Care Manager can conduct a needs assessment that will provide a realistic view of where your mother truly is. From there, your Care Manager can act as an advocate for your mother as well as mediate with the family to arrive at a consensus that best serves your mother's needs.

    An elder law attorney is only one professional that should be involved in addressing the needs of an elderly parent. They are an invaluable resource for all legal issues. Senior Crossroads' professionals are trained in a holistic care approach. Working together as a team, your elder law attorney and your Care Manager can insure the long-term wellbeing of your parents.

    An elder law attorney is only one person in your toolbox. She is an invaluable resource for all legal issues. Senior Crossroads' Care Managers are trained in a holistic care approach to care. Working together as a team, your elder law attorney and your Care Manager can insure the long-term wellbeing of your parents.

    It is never too soon for these important discussions. In order to help your parents stay in control of the quality of their care, you need to be informed and have a clear direction to go in. Often times the family waits until a crisis to have these discussions and it may be too late. Having these conversations with your elderly parents when they are not in crisis will be an invaluable use of time. A Senior Crossroads' Care Manager will help you frame the discussion and follow up with all the details that need to be covered to ensure your parents receive the finest care possible.It is never too soon for these important discussions. In order to help your parents stay in control of the quality of their care, you need to be informed and have a clear direction to go in. A Senior Crossroads' Care Manager can help you frame the discussion and follow up with all the details that need to be covered to ensure your parents receive the finest care possible.

    Many adult children make the initial payment in spite of their parent's objections only to find that in the long run, parents are extremely grateful for your willingness to take action. Make it a fun gesture. Give a consultation as a stocking stuffer for Christmas.

    Senior Crossroads' Care Managers are skilled at what they do. By professional and training they are kind, compassionate people who care about the well being of seniors. Rather than a formal meeting, tell your father you've invited a friend over for a cup of coffee. From there, your Care Managers can begin a very low-key, gracious conversation. Make it clear to your father you are only looking to improve his quality of life, not take away his freedom.

    Your Senior Crossroads' Care Manager is responsible for the "big picture" of care. An advocate for the client as well as the family, your Care Manager creates compassionate, unique plans-of-action tailored to specific and individual needs. Critical thinkers by nature and by training, once a master plan is established and agreed upon, our Geriatric Care Managers continually review the plan and make certain all aspects are properly implemented on a day-to-day basis. When a plan is up and running, they monitor progress and make adjustments, as necessary, to keep the plan fluid, coherent, and sound. Committed to sustaining quality of life for every client, our Geriatric Care Managers set the standard for quality care in America.

    Yes, you will sign a contract for our services, but those services are completely customized to fit individual needs. Our Care Managers and In-Home Caregivers will make informed recommendations to help you select the range of services, but you are free to sign up for one or as many as all of our services.

    Care Managers hold post-graduate degrees as either MSWs or RNs. They are professionals who work directly with doctors, hospitals, care facilities, and elder law professionals on a regular basis. In-Home Caregivers are paraprofessionals who have special training in caregiving. This can range from personal care to medication reminders, companionship to hobby support.It is never too soon for these important discussions. In order to help your parents stay in control of the quality of their care, you need to be informed and have a clear direction to go in. A Senior Crossroads' Care Manager can help you frame the discussion and follow up with all the details that need to be covered to ensure your parents receive the finest care possible.

    Many adult children make the initial payment in spite of their parent's objections only to find that in the long run, parents are extremely grateful for your willingness to take action. Make it a fun gesture. Give a consultation as a stocking stuffer for Christmas.

    Senior Crossroads' Care Managers are skilled at what they do. By professional and training they are kind, compassionate people who care about the well being of seniors. Rather than a formal meeting, tell your father you've invited a friend over for a cup of coffee. From there, your Care Managers can begin a very low-key, gracious conversation. Make it clear to your father you are only looking to improve his quality of life, not take away his freedom.

    Your Senior Crossroads' Care Manager is responsible for the "big picture" of care. An advocate for the client as well as the family, your Care Manager creates compassionate, unique plans-of-action tailored to specific and individual needs. Critical thinkers by nature and by training, once a master plan is established and agreed upon, our Geriatric Care Managers continually review the plan and make certain all aspects are properly implemented on a day-to-day basis. When a plan is up and running, they monitor progress and make adjustments, as necessary, to keep the plan fluid, coherent, and sound. Committed to sustaining quality of life for every client, our Geriatric Care Managers set the standard for quality care in America.

    Yes, you will sign a contract for our services, but those services are completely customized to fit individual needs. Our Care Managers and In-Home Caregivers will make informed recommendations to help you select the range of services, but you are free to sign up for one or as many as all of our services.

    You don't have to. That is where a Senior Crossroads' Care Manager can step in and make recommendations. In our experience recommendations from a professional tends to have more impact. A Care Manager will advocate on your parent's behalf and take into account concerns from family members, physicians and anyone else involved in the decision.

    Home health provides a specialized short-term skilled need, usually after someone comes home from the hospital or nursing home. Home care factors in the long-range plan and includes a caregiver that delivers customized, on-going support and the development of a true relationship in the privacy of a client's home.


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